Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/09/04

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Subject: [Leica] Patricia, paw 34
From: lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda)
Date: Sun Sep 4 23:07:24 2005
References: <> <>

On 05/09/2005, at 2:12, Don Dory wrote:

> Luis,
> You have captured a very nice portrait, the person is caught with her
> personality glowing through.

Thanks Don.

> Things that disturb me would be the background of the roof, could you
> have lifted the camera to eliminate the diagonal?

I dont think so, that roof has strong diagonals and many columns. If  
I will correct one,  I will mess anything else.

> Also, I think that
> if you had cropped a little more on the right to put your subject a
> bit more off center you would have a more captivating image.

while I can't scan my MF negs, I will have to stick with my first  
choices on the darkroom easel as far as I'm scanning prints, anyway   
I'm sure you're right.

> Thanks for posting.

nah, thanks to you Don.

In reply to: Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Patricia, paw 34)
Message from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Patricia, paw 34)