Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/08/19
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]For those who don't get the Leica newsletter, regards, bob cole: "Dear Leica friends, Today we would like to inform you about: __LFI - LEICA FOTOGRAFIE INTERNATIONAL Don?t miss LFI 06/2005! Available from August, 10th ! Leica?s Digitale Module R tested: Leica?s digital back unit has arrived and must now measure up to the competition. LFI?s lab and field comparison with Canon?s royal stud, the EOS 1Ds Mk II, draws an insightful image. Film scanners from 1000 Euros: Download sample scans now. Test: Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED, Imacon Flextight 343, Howtek Scanmaster D4000. Download test images of 10 devices tested in LFI 3/2005, 4/2005, and 6/2005: Portfolio ? Deserts of the world Michael Martin journeyed thousands of miles through the deserts of the world. Five years of photographing the exciting diversity of desert landscapes and people Order LEICA FOTOGRAFIE INTERNATIONAL today! Subscribe to LFI online and get 10 for the price of 8!. With best regards, Leica Camera AG Corporate Communications ______________________________________________ Do you have friends, colleagues or acquaintances who might also be interested in this service? If so, please forward this communication to them, or kindly alert them to the free subscription service at the following address: You will receive this mail if you have entered your name on the distribution list offered by Leica Camera AG on the internet. If your mailing address changes, or if you wish to re-subscribe or cancel your free subscription, you can find the appropriate instructions at the following site:";