Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/04/28

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Subject: [Leica] Film/digital wars
From: bdcolen at (B. D. Colen)
Date: Thu Apr 28 14:34:37 2005

I'd suggest there's a point the digital naysayers here are missing - and
that is that this IS the Leica Users Group. All of us are or were
committed to the use of Leica film equipment, despite the fact that it
is all essentially 1954 technology. This is not a general photo list,
filled with technology geeks who only care about something being the
latest and greatest.  I have more money invested in M and other film
equipment than many on this list, and far less than others. But I was a
dedicated film shooter for more than 40 years, and shot film
professionally. Yet...

Many of us, dedicated Leica users every one, have learned through
experience that digital offers us everything film offered us and more.
We haven't made the switch because we're hooked on the latest thing, or
because we're techies. We've made the switch as photographers who see
digital offering us advantages that film didn't. Period.

This is not to suggest that those who don't want to switch should -
shoot film as long as you enjoy shooting it and can get it. But
recognize that when the Ted Grants, and Tina Manleys of this list -
fantastic Leica enthusiasts and very successful professionals - tell you
that they can do things with their digital equipment that they couldn't
do with their Leica film cameras, and that they are getting quality from
digital equal to that which they were getting for film, they are not
blowing smoke. And the real bottom line is that some of those people
have forgotten more about film photography than most of us will ever
learn. ;-)

B. D.

Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Film/digital wars)
Reply from miki at (MIKIRO) ([Leica] Film/digital wars)