Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/10/22

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Subject: [Leica] Here we go, RD-1 in the US
From: bdcolen at (B. D. Colen)
Date: Fri Oct 22 18:10:58 2004

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Richard F. Man
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 8:14 PM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: RE: [Leica] Here we go, RD-1 in the US

Well BD, we know the camera cannot be a total dog. It may have some 
problems experienced by some people, but I bet it's kind of like the
RF fiasco - some people swear there is a problem and some not, and both
produce voluminous mathematical data showing why they are right...

My rationale is this: if I buy a digital camera (most likely an E-1), I 
would need lens. So adding a 50/2 macro and the 14-55, the total cost
be $2600-$3000, and the camera would handle like a SLR.

Right at the moment, I am engulfed by the rangefinder religion, and
as my OM-4T is, the RF experience is better for me. So I'd imagine that
I were to get the E-1, wonderful it may be, I would still reach for the

Now if I get the R-D1, I can reuse all the lens I have (well, I would
to get a 28mm besides the Tri-Elmar to get ~42mm view :-(, so the cost
not so bad, in that sense.

I need to reread the thread on sneaking things pass the CFO though...

At 04:49 PM 10/22/2004, B. D. Colen wrote:

>But wait, girls and boys - EITHER this camera is the dog described by 
>Henning - in which case $1500 is $1500 too much - or else it is the 
>pretty good camera described by many others who have used it, a camera 
>that produces images on a level with the D100, in which case the price 
>is high, but perhaps acceptable in order to be able to shoot digitally 
>with a rangefinder.
>Which is it? ;-)

// richard (This email is for mailing lists. To reach me directly,
use richard at 

In reply to: Message from richard-lists at (Richard F. Man) ([Leica] Here we go, RD-1 in the US)