Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/10/01

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Subject: [Leica] Consider This...
From: s.jessurun95 at (animal)
Date: Fri Oct 1 02:01:30 2004
References: <>

> Feli di Giorgio <> wrote:
> >
> >On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 13:38, animal wrote:
> >> How to make a coke bottle behave like a summicron
> >>
> >> best regards
> >> simon jessurun
> >
> > Yes, but again all of these operations involve sub-pixel transformations
> > to the image. Sub-pixel transformations are operations where a pixel is
> > moved a fraction of a pixel. You can't really do that, so you have
> > to interpolate the data and every time you perform one of these
> > you cut the resolution of your image data in half. So yes, the image
> > no longer show the effect of the barrel/pincushion distortion, but it
> > have taken a hit in the sharpness department. How big that hit is,
> > on how sophisticated the filtering algorithms are in your software.
> > is no magic software bullet that will fix these problems. Software fixes
> > like this aren't a substitute for a good lens. To quote my old boss:
> > "You can't make chicken salad, out of chicken shit."
> Software corrections also can't fix coma, spherical aberation, flare or
chromatic focus shifts.
> Doug Herr
> Birdman of Sacramento
> _______________________________________________
This software does .It compares the lenses image with a testpattern and
learns the aberations at different settings.
simon jessurun

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