Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/06/17

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Subject: [Leica] New Photos
From: grduprey at (
Date: Thu Jun 17 12:42:50 2004

Here are some photos from my recent trip to Chicago.

I attended the Leica Demo Day at Central Camera, and met up with fellow
LUGer Bob Palmieri and a couple of his friends.  We had lunch together and
this is a shot of Bob while we were waiting the food.

Here is my wife with Kat, who had ordered a ticket to see the Fall Out Boy
band (No I have no clue who they are) at the House of Blues in Chicago.
her ticket has arrived!

Kat is all dressed up and ready for Fall Out Boy concert.  She had
fashioned a paper clip to look like she has a lip piercing.

While Kat was at the concert, My wife and I went walking around town and
ended up at Navy Pier.  we found this Ragae Band playing, so I took a
couple of shots.  Leica M6TTL and 90/2.8 Tele Elmarit hand held in Noctilux

Comments welcome
