Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/04/14

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Subject: [Leica] Confession time! THE LUG FAMILY.
From: s.jessurun95 at (animal)
Date: Wed Apr 14 12:06:50 2004
References: <008a01c42235$5a6cb020$6401a8c0@CCA4A5EF37E11E>

> Let me second everything here, including and especially the thanks to
> Brian for making this possible, and add that I have long viewed the LUG
> as a cyberspace country store, where people gather to warm their hands
> around the stove, trade tall-tales and advice, touch base with friends,
> and perhaps even pick up a needed item (or bit of knowledge in the case
> of the LUG). Yes, Leica ownership is what has drawn us all to this
> particular store, but once in the door and leaning back in the rickety
> chairs, that doesn't seem quite so important.
> What I am constantly amazed by his how a list such as this draws
> together people from all over the world, with common interests, who
> would otherwise be utterly unaware of each other's existence. As I've
> said before, several of the people who I now count among my small circle
> of really close friends are people who I not only met on the LUG, but
> who just happen to live within 5-10 miles of my home, people with whom I
> have an enormous amount in common - beyond owning Leica Ms that are
> gathering dust - and whom I would not know were it not for this on-line
> community.
> I also never cease to be amazed that the 'media' has not done more
> reporting on the phenomenon of groups like the LUG, and the power of the
> internet to create communities of people all over the globe; well,
> communities of people whose common interest is something other than
> pornography. :-)
> B. D.
Maybe that is because for younger people it,s so much a part of every day
life.They grew up with this.
Used to be active with devellopment of flight simulator games the virtual
communities one encounters there are also incredible.especially since they
also engage in their common interest together over the net when flying
missions etc.There are many kids who can,t wait to commence their  online
life as soon as they can.
Tightly knit but not healthy .I,ve seen reports that it can be a major
source of all kinds of psycholgical ailments when kids spend so much time on
the web.
For me also I really have enjoyed the company of you all and value the
lessons one can learn from your photos.Maybe i,m addicted just like these
kids .When i get home from a tour the first thing i do is go through the
thousand or so emails from you all then later kiss the family.
simon jessurun

Replies: Reply from pdzwig at (Peter Dzwig) ([Leica] Confession time! THE LUG FAMILY.)
In reply to: Message from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Confession time! THE LUG FAMILY.)