Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/03/12

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Subject: RE: [Leica] epson digital RF report pages
From: George Lottermoser <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 16:45:49 -0600

B. D. Colen3/12/04

>What can I say - we disagree. 

Not really. I agree with much of what you say re: uses and work flow for digital. I'm using it and loving it - as are the clients. The points that you make combined with the instant feedback make it great fun - a wonderful learning and teaching tool - great for experimenting - wonderful in every way.

However under very many conditions - it remains a toss up - take your pick - different kinds of quality (not better or worse) - just different. What kind of "look" do you want. That's always been the bottom line any way. 

Love the epson prints for their art quality - like fine engravings, etchings and mezzotints. Love the silver prints for their unique luminosity that the inkjet cannot match but certainly rival for their other aesthetic considerations.

I think that we find ourselves in a wonderful time for photography because of digital. We have so many aesthetic choices. We can produce in our own studios and offices any sort of image that we can imag ine - quick and dirty or painstakingly beautifully. At this moment we have all the methodology and hardware of the past and all that lies on the cusp of the future - very exciting.

The actual resolution issues of the current consumer chips (under $4k) continue to frustrate me. I'm doing a series of actual in use studio comparisons between
	the 10d asa 100 and 
	R8 with velvia 100 - 
	same leica lens, 
	same high speed stobe light, 
	same f stop
	same shutter speed
	both mirrors locked up
	bolted to 150lb cambo studio stand
	just switching bodies - 
	all things identical - not even changing the pov for the smaller chip. 

planning on scanning on the SS4000 to the same resolution and file size as the 10d sensor in RAW. 

However to be fair I feel like I'd really need to put the slide on a drum scanner or at least a flextight to really get everything out of the slide. I never seem to get everything out of my SS4000 scans that I see with a loup - something happens in the translation to pixels that I can't quite get a handle on.

I'll let ya'll know what I see when I get the slides back and scanned. 

Fond regards,

G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,    imagist

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