Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/02/04

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Subject: Re: [Leica] TOTALLY, COMPLETELY, AND UTTERLY OFF-TOPIC - A personal request
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 10:04:57 +0100
References: <>

Reminds me of an episode in the end of the 70ties - My school at that 
time (8th grade) was a very conservative school and the headmaster a 
very strict ultra conservative man. A demonstration in front of the 
parliament building was arranged  by the Danish pupils organisation  
and  pupils were allowed to go, according to the law, but our headmaster 
wrote down the names of the pupils in a little black book in order to " 
keep track of troublemakers, potential criminals and communist" for the 
years to come. That pissed me and some friends so much of that we 
eventhough we had no intention of attending the demonstration before his 
statement, left for Copenhagen and the demonstration any way. It was not 
one of (Nathans) rainy days but bright sunshine and something absolutely 
magical had happened in Copenhagen that totally lost our focus on the 
demonstration - a Burger King had opened - right on the main pedestrian 
street in the heart of Copenhagen - Now this temptation in the days were 
globalisation had not reached Denmark was to much - we had milkshakes - 
fries -burgers - and  forgot all about our headmaster - and had he only 
known he would have been proud ! Well anyway  a couple of years later, 
and anothe School, I did get more involved  as  government cuts was 
threatening our and many other Danish high schools to be closed. The 
stronger High School Pupils Organisation was arranging a large scale 
demonstration in front of Christiansborg our parliament building. a 
couple of hundred thousand people was expected to come and as our school 
was one of the schools that had put up a really heavy fight for not 
being closed I was invited to be main speaker at the event. The 
organisation had set up a speaker arrangement that would make even a 
heavy-rock band green with envy, in front of the parliament - all the 
students from my high school - teachers and parents were coming and I 
was really nervous about the whole thing. (This time Nathan!) the 
weather was also sunny - but as time passed on and only the pupils from 
my school was there and not he hundreds of thousand we expected we was 
contacted by a member of the organizing group from the High School 
Pupils Organisation and he told us that someone had send out the 
invitation to all the other schools but with a wrong date! So I was left 
to speak to my friends - the students from my high school etc. all in 
all around 300 persons. I did not panic but over reacted slightly as 
something inside me told me that if I should reach more then the little 
crowd in front of me I might as well take advantage of the huge speaker 
set up and make a performance out of it. So like some south American 
revolutionary freedom fighter I delivered my message so loud that it not 
only made the windows in the parliament building shake, it was heard all 
across town, and actually by a few members of the government that had 
not left the building to get away from the noise. Our school was never 
closed - and the majority of the other high schools survived to, even 
though the never reached to the demonstration. And for a lttle while I 
had a good feeling about democracy.
Ruben wrote:

>...and typical of Denmark in those days. I guess I am a bit older than Ruben, I was about 11-12 during the event he describes,  and I lived in another part of Denmark, which the revolution had not reached... Anyway, revolutions in Denmark are cancelled in the event of inclement weather, and it rains a lot in Denmark ;-)
>>van: "B. D. Colen" <>
>>datum: 2004/02/03 di PM 11:46:04 CET
>>aan: <>
>>onderwerp: RE: [Leica] TOTALLY, COMPLETELY, AND UTTERLY OFF-TOPIC - A personal request
>>Great story..;-)
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[] On Behalf Of RUBEN
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 5:37 PM
>>personal request
>>Sorry to young - but I do remember I sat on the shoulders of my much 
>>older big brother during a demostration in peacefull Copenhagen in the 
>>late sixties/early seventies and everybody was shouting "HO-HO-HOCHIMIN"
>>and a Police officer let me were his cap. I guess it is ok to answer you
>>on list as I did not fall into the right catagory - cheers Ruben
>>B. D. Colen wrote:
>>>Do any of you remember the 60's? If any of you considered yourselves 
>>>student "activists" at any time during the period 1965-1975, if you 
>>>were actively involved in anti-war activities, if you were involved in 
>>>the Civil Rights movement, if you were involved in campus "student 
>>>rights" activities, would you please contact me off-list?
>>>I'll explain further if you get in touch with me. Any replies will be 
>>>considered confidential.
>>>B. D.
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