Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/01/10

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Subject: [Leica] transmission/reflection ideal on rf mirrors
From: "Javier Perez" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 09:49:56 -0500

Hey everyone
I asked this before on other lists but have gotten no answer It's one for the psyco-optics geeks mind you.

I'm going to be re-mirroring the rf on a Paxette and got to wondering what the ideal trannsmission/reflection ratio for the semi silvered mirror might be. I went into the project assuming it was 50/50. But have since started wondering if the overall finder might be too dark. The other option might be 70/30, but the second image  might not show upo well. Anyway, was wondering if there was an accepted best ratio for this. I'm sure there must be  after a few hundred years of optical rangefinder development. Any ideas or comments are very much appreciated


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