Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/12/17

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Miserable Failure
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 20:38:48 +0100
References: <000401c3c4cd$d847f4c0$600110ac@CCA4A5EF37E11E>

It is almost x.mas  - kiss and make up!
B. D. Colen wrote:

>You're absolutely right.
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Gerry
>Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 1:27 PM
>Subject: RE: [Leica] Miserable Failure
>Is there any chance of you two taking your quarrel off-list. You are
>both very respected members of this list and such squabbles belittle
>both of you.
>Gerry Walden LRPS
>Tel: 023 8046 3076
>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of B. D. Colen
>Sent: 17 December 2003 17:13
>Subject: RE: [Leica] Miserable Failure
>Pardon me, Doug - But that is absolute and total horseshit that I had
>been "pushing the Olympus digital stuff long before" I'd told the list
>that I was being supported by them. I have always said that I think the
>Olympus Stylus Epic is THE point-and-shoot film camera bargain of all
>times; and that had nothing to do with a relationship with Olympus
>because I didn't have one. Aside from that, I wasn't pushing a damn
>thing - hell, I didn't know anything about the equipment prior to my
>getting it.
>As to your paying any attention to my opinion on SLR equipment, I quite
>frankly don't care if you do or don't evaluate it - I've been shooting
>with SLR equipment of various kinds since about 1964; I do not have a
>"virulent dislike" of the equipment you shoot with - I just think that
>it is grossly overpriced for what it is, and I have always believed, and
>still believe, that Leica has been consistently a good 10 years or more
>behind the SLR curve. But what I have always said, over and over and
>over, is that what matters is what works for the individual - if you
>could get the kind of fantastic images you manage to get and could do it
>using Holgas, you'd be crazy to switch to anything else.
>But you really might think about why it so obviously gets so deeply
>under your skin to have Leica criticized.
>And - I'd appreciate it if you'd stick to facts when discussing my
>relationship with Olympus and what I have and haven't told the list
>about it.
>B. D.
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Douglas
>Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 11:57 AM
>Subject: RE: [Leica] Miserable Failure
>BD, I don't particularly care whether you're on Olympus' payroll or not.
>You'd been pushing the Oly digital stuff long before you'd told the list
>they were supporting you, just as Erwin was spouting flowery praise on
>new Leica gear long before he was obviously on their payroll.  I'll have
>to take you at your word that you're telling us the straight scoop.  It
>really doesn't matter much to me whether you're on their payroll or not.
>If I valued your opinions on SLR equipment then it might matter but
>since you have a virulent dislike for the equipment that works for me
>then it's clear you don't know what I value in photographic equipment so
>your experience with the Oly doesn't relate to my needs.
>Doug Herr
>Birdman of Sacramento
>-----Original Message-----
>From: "B. D. Colen" <>
>Sent: Dec 17, 2003 8:29 AM
>Subject: RE: [Leica] Miserable Failure
>No, Doug - Erwin's extolling Leica certainly doesn't mean that you have
>to go out and buy what he was pushing...But your "never questioning
>whether Erwin was on Leica's payroll," and your "not giving a hoot"
>whether he was, makes it see more than a bit odd that you would think
>that I should mention my relationship with Olympus - they give me free
>equipment and feature my work - "each time" I "extol" their virtues -
>especially given the fact that, unlike Erwin, I have been completely
>upfront about my conflict of interest. What is it, if it's a Leica
>conflict it's irrelevant, but if it's a conflict connnected to another
>manufacturer it's important? Come on, Doug, you're better than that. :-)
>B. D.
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Doug Herr
>Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:56 PM
>Subject: Re: [Leica] Miserable Failure
>on 12/16/03 2:12 PM, B. D. Colen at wrote:
>>Well go spend some time in the archives, Doug, and refresh your 
>>recollection - you'll see that depending on how you want to read what,
>>either the first or second day I explained - in full - my relationship
>>with Olympus. BTW, did you EVER raise a single question about Mr. 
>>Puts' relationship with Leica? Or were you one of those - the vast 
>>majority of those who expressed themselves on the subject on this list
>>- who couldn't seem to grasp my asking questions about conflicts of 
>Calm yerself B.D., I've over 50 and I don't recollect like I used to.  I
>think for the sake of newbies and us old codgers you ought ter mention
>somthin about Olympus giving you the goods each time you extol their
>virtues.  And BTW I never questioned whether Erwin was on Leica's
>payroll 'cuz I don't give a hoot whether he is or not.  He's a good
>technician and in his private newsletters (now discontinued) he also
>praised good products of other brands.  So what?  Does that mean I have
>to go out and buy what Erwin says?
>Doug Herr
>Birdman of Sacramento
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In reply to: Message from "B. D. Colen" <> (RE: [Leica] Miserable Failure)