Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/12/15

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Another Equipment question
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 05:24:49 +0100
References: <>

Doug,  you do shoot som magnificient wildlife pictures proving at least 
that the absence of the UV filter does not have a visible bad effect on 
the  pictures.  I now have both leica and zeiss glass and  the optics 
seems to be better protected  against dust  etc. than  the canon  
lenses  that used to be  my standars equipment  so perhaps i should try 
without the filter! ( its still a little scarry to me) Regards Ruben

Doug Herr wrote:

>on 12/15/03 7:20 PM, RUBEN BLĘDEL at wrote:
>>Ted, Greg, Tina
>>you have probably discussed this a 100000000 times but what is all the
>>fuss about sky or uv filters - I once had the front glass on my 50 mm on
>>my first camera (a rollei 35 M / big ugly 35 mm slr) ruined by a small
>>stone trown from a passing cars tire, since that time I have them on all
>>my lenses and they never caused a problem  - I dont get it are we
>>talking leica religion here - please inlighten me - Regards Ruben
>Reuben, with out a controlled experiment how can you be certain the stone
>would have been stopped by a UV filter?  It could also have been shattered
>into a zillion pieces, all propelled toward the lens.
>In backlit situations, the additional 2 air/glass surfaces will clearly make
>themselves known, and under other lighting conditions they can cause
>additional flare too (though you might not notice it w/o controlled tests).
>My lenses have been UV-less for over 20 years, and they're in great
>condition; but then my lenses are all Leitz or Leica with their tough
>coatings.  If you have some lesser brands of lenses they might have softer
>coatings and some form of protection may be prudent.
>Doug Herr
>Birdman of Sacramento
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In reply to: Message from Doug Herr <> (Re: [Leica] Another Equipment question)