Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/12/07

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Subject: [Leica] PAW? - Three Informal Portraits
From: Barney Quinn <>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2003 09:35:08 -0500


I got a digital camera last October. Since then I have taken almost 
three thousand pictures with it. ( It has, clearly, paid for itself! ) 
I think I probably have enough images now to be able to post on once in 
a while!

I started playing the cello five years ago at the age of 55. Every 
Saturday morning at 9:30 I go to my teacher's house for a lesson. We 
had out first snow of the winter. I took my camera with me and shot 
what I saw along the way. Later in the day I went down to the boat yard 
to check my boat. I took my camera along, too. I would like, in due 
course, to post these image.

But, first. I though that you should meet Matt. He is a brilliant young 
musician, and a gifted teacher. ( Teaching me to play the cello is a 
taks not without its challenges! ) He has his Master's from Peabody. He 
has become a good friend over the years, and I think that he is one of 
the world's great people. He is patient beyond anyone cold ask for. 
When I totally ruined my right shoulder and couldn't bow he just said, 
"OK, We'll just work on Pizzacatto until you are better!"

Here's the URL. I would welcome any comments on these snapshots or on 
the ones I posted at Thanskgiving.


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