Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/11/12

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Subject: Re: [Leica] The Civil War and Virginia (OT)
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 20:43:14 -0500

At 09:54 PM 11/11/03 -0500, Neal Friedenthal wrote:
>To my fairly certain knowledge, Ulysses Simpson Grant never set foot in
>Virginia save for his jaunt from Washington, DC, to Richmond and the left
>hook over to Appomattox.
>When U.S. Grant was given command of the Union army in the spring of 1864
he placed his headquarters with the Army of the Patomac and advanced with
that army into Virginia. He stayed with that 
>army through the bloody spring campaign of 1864 and the subsequent siege
of Petersburg and Richmond through the rest of 1864 and into 1865.  After
the breaking of the confederate lines at 
>Petersburg, Grant was with the combined union armies, those of the Patomac
and the James, and pressed them to destroy Lee's remaining army. Lee's army
of Northern Virginia was greatly depleted 
>when its escape route was cut off near Appomattox Court House. Lee arrived
at the McLean house in a crisp new uniform carrying a splendid dress sword,
Grant on the other hand was in the field and 
>had to make a hard ride to get the the surrender site and was dressed in a
field uniform of a plain sack coat and carried no side arm (a brace of
Remington army .44's were in a pair of saddle holsters 
>attached to his horse). The terms of surrender were laid out by Grant,
they were considered very generous, the Officers would be allowed to retain
their side arms {possibly because Grant didn't want to 
>take the sword that Lee was carrying} and the men who had houses would be
allowed to keep them "For spring Planting". The details of the formal
surrender and the parole of the surrendered troops 
>was left to subordinate officers. All in all Grant spent almost a full
year in Virginia between 1864 and 1865, with a few trips to Washington to
confer with Lincoln and one to Georgia to confer with 
>Sherman after the fall of Savanna. Grant was present with the army in
Virginia at the battles of; The Wilderness, Spotsyvania, Cold Harbor, North
Anna, Petersburg, Five forks, Saylors Creek and 


How does your commentary differ from mine?  Or to state it in another, and
rather ruder manner, just what is your point?

Marc  FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bąs fir gun ghrąs fir!

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Replies: Reply from David C Mason <> (Re: [Leica] The Civil War and Virginia (OT))