Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/09/08
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]At 3:34 PM -0700 9/8/03, Adam Bridge wrote: >On 2003-09-08 (Jerry Lehrer) thoughtfully wrote: > >>As you may realize, I know nowt about digital scanning, but >>I would imagine that a silver image should be easier to scan >>than a dye and silver image such as Kodachrome. Are scanners >>set up to primarily scan color negatives? If so, then a B&W C41 >>would be the film of choice. > >Boy, I remember a discussion somewhere, perhaps here, that talked about grain >aliasing and the type of scanner being used - that the CCD scanners like the >SuperCoolScan 4000 from Nikon doesn't do as good a job on silver as it does on >the C41 dye processes. > >I'm starting to beleive that although I've not gone to the trouble to find one >of the good Polaroid scanners. Well, now that I think of it I can't since I >think they are all SCSI and I no longer have a SCSI adaptor that works for any >of my computers, having shifted entirely to FireWire. > >Is there someone out there who can address this? It might be >relevant to Phong. > >TCN400 scans really well for me. AND it has the advantage that scratch removal >software works just fine with it while it doesn't with silver films. > >Adam The Polaroid 4000+ was the later firewire version of the same scanner. Microtek still sells it as the 4000tf, but then you have to deal with Microtek :-(, but it comes with Silverscan AI and. Preliminary reports of the Minolta 5400 look promising for B&W and it is approximately the same price as the Microtek. Both are supported by Vuescan. The Nikon LS-30 and LS-2000 were particularly poor with regard to grain aliasing; the 8000 is a lot better, especially if you scan in colour and desaturate. The 4000 apparently falls in between, although I have not tried it. The reason for the 8000 being better seems to be due to the fact that it uses 3 rows of LED's to do the scanning, and thus there is some anti-aliasing due to the information coming from three different sources. This advantage is negated when you do single-line scanning, as can be selected in the 8000 software. - -- * Henning J. Wulff /|\ Wulff Photography & Design /###\ |[ ]| - -- To unsubscribe, see