Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/09/07

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Subject: [Leica] M2 watch points
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 19:47:20 EDT

Justin wrote:

<<If I am able to handle a M2 before deciding to buy it, what should I

look out for?>>

Check out the shutter timing at the slow speeds. A one second exposure shout 
be approximately one second. If it is much longer, a CLA is indicated. Mount a 
lens and focus it several times. The viewfinder should be clear, the right 
frame should be selected, and the images in the rangefinder should be easily 
discernible. The rangefinder should also indicate the right distances. Now remove 
the lens. Look through the shutter with the back inspection flap raised. 
Mount a flash and aim the camera at a white paper. At 1/60 second, on x sync, the 
entire frame should be illuminated. If the seller permits, ask for a one week 
return option. As soon as you get the camera, shoot a roll of film and look at 
the prints or slides. If they meet your criterion, close the deal.

You do not have to trim the leader like you do with the III series cameras. 
Just slip the straight cut end under the spring holder on the take up spool. 
Check that the film is loaded properly by opening the inspection flap. That's 
what it's for. Close the flap, put on the base plate, and take pictures. Loading 
film is primative compared to modern cameras. But you have tradition on your 

Larry Z
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