Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/08/06

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Intro& looking for V35
From: Luc Bourgeois <>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 08:48:26 -0400

Hi Daniel,

Sounds like you have a great sounding darkroom!
BTW, if you ever start only using your Durst, I would gladly help 
relieve you of the V35 ;-).

My mind's pretty much made up on that one, and I've got a few months to 
hunt one down.

Best greetings.


On Mercredi, aoűt 6, 2003, at 04:24  AM, Daniel Ridings wrote:

>> But please don't hesitate if you do see more V35, I will definitely
>> check them out.
>> THanks, and enjoy your V35 (lucky you)!
> I wouldn't make such a big deal out of the V35. I have one and it's
> alright, but I usually use the under the lens filters anyway. The
> multigrade kit I have (the original one) isn't very good. I don't get
> anywhere near the range of contrast steps that I get by using the 
> filters.
> I have a Durst M601 that I use for medium format. I'm seriously
> considering using it for 35mm too. The V35 is good, but don't pass up 
> any
> of the good Durst englargers that you might be able to get a hold of 
> too.
> But in my experience, they cost more since they can be used for more 
> (35mm
> up to 6x6, 6x7 or 6x9 depending on the model). The ones I've run into 
> cost
> more than twice as much as the V35 (all used). I paid $300 for my V35
> about the time the newspapers were dumping them. The only people 
> dumping
> Durst (hobbyist) enlargers are hobbyists ... and they aren't all that
> many, by comparison (just as many are selling as there are buying).
> Don't forget the stereo. That's the essential part of the darkroom. 
> Mine
> is in a bombshelter disguised as a garage. You can park three (now two)
> station wagons end-to-end. I put a wall up in the back third of the
> garage. With 1 foot of solit concrete all around me I can blast away 
> (and
> it keeps a constant temperature all year round).
> Daniel
>> Luc
>> On Mardi, aoűt 5, 2003, at 05:23  PM, Christer Almqvist wrote:
>>> This is not really going to help you much, but German ebay had one
>>> going for under 300 euros last week and there is one up for sale now
>>> that looks like it is going to be in the same price league. But ebay
>>> is unpredictable.  Shipping is going to be expensive from anywhere.
>>> I have had the color module, and it works well for multigrade b+w, 
>>> but
>>> the multigrade module I have now is much more convenient. Of course
>>> the b+w module works fine too, you just need to use under the lens
>>> filters if you use multigrade papers.
>>> The V35  I bought came with the color module, but I was able to do a
>>> straigth swap for the multigrade model in a shop where I am a regular
>>> customer.  From time to time  the different modules come up on German
>>> ebay. Recent price for the color module has been 50 euro.
>>> Chris
>>>> Hello list.
>>>> I'll introduce myself briefly.
>>>> I've been doing photography since the mid-seventies, with some
>>>> breaks. Currently shooting almost daily with M3's and an M6. I'm
>>>> looking to optimize my processes and that might include some digital
>>>> implementation for preview and evaluation work, but, more
>>>> importantly, I'm planning a home darkroom for final printing (I only
>>>> do B&W).
>>>> I'm looking to this list for Leica M-system information, but my 
>>>> first
>>>> question to the list would be: does anyone know of a Focomat V35 to
>>>> sell?   (if so you can contact me directly at: >> 
>>>> Best greetings,
>>>> Luc Bourgeois
>>>> Montreal
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>>> Christer Almqvist
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>>> F 50590 Regnéville sur Mer
>>> please look at my NEW  b+w pictures at:
>>> old pictures still at:
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