Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/07/01

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Documentary Photography 2003
From: George Lottermoser <>
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 18:20:00 -0500 (Austin Franklin)7/1/03
>I hate to sound litigious after reading such a shameful story, but as 
>far as I understand it, legally, the security personnel had no legal right to
>detain you, and you legally could have simply left at any time.  
>Otherwise, it is, believe it or not, kidnapping.

Perhaps true. However, it always begins as polite conversation. One must decide at which point one will walk away and off the grounds. Unfortunately, I chose to show him ID, which he took. My one serious mistake. Wonąt be made again.

>Well, legally (again, as far as I know), they have no authority to do
>anything, but, get a policeperson to enforce any laws that you are 

Which they did. And so we wait and we wait for the law enforcement rep.

>The ONLY thing they can do is ASK you to do or not do something, and if you fail to comply, they >can ASK you to leave.  You CAN refuse, and then they have to get a police person 
>to remove you for trespassing...but if it's public land, then that doesn't 
>work as far as I know, as you're not legally trespassing.

Reality: Nuanced variations of all of these events and potentialities were going on, along with personnel changes, which required new conversations with new players, while the fellow with my ID disappeared.

>did...and who will simply go on, doing what they do...with no 

Iąm researching the parkąs rules and regs and writing to the local press. Weąll see.

Fond regards,

G e o r g e   L o t t e r m o s e r,    imagist

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