Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/05/22

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Washington Wedding
From: Roger Skully <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 11:08:38 -0400

On 5/22/03 1:14 AM, "Bob Adler" <> wrote:

> My nephew was married in D.C. this past Sunday, and I
> had to take the M's along. The weather was awful,
> 50's, wet, yuck. We were under a tent which kept us
> dry but made it very dark.
> I guess I'm trying to make excuses for photos that
> really weren't up to par. The only reason I'm posting
> this one is the subject is rather unusual. It's not
> often you see a Supreme Court justice perform a
> wedding ceremony.
> I'm still trying to figure out why the shot looks so
> drab; really muddy. It just doesn't have the usual
> pop. New Tx400, but lousy light maybe. Most likely
> it's the organic unit operating the camera ;-)
> Any suggestions would be most appreciated as I'd love
> to make this one look good for my nephew.
> Thanks,
> Bob

Have you tried printing it on a higher grade number of paper. If you usually
use a grade 2, try a grade 4. :-)

- -- 
Roger Skully    
Robin零 Nest Photography

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