Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/04/30

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Subject: [Leica] Re: How About Some 3rd Party Lenses?
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:28:19 -0400

At 04:35 PM 4/30/03 -0400, wrote:
>  Tom's comprehensive report was very helpful.  
>While we are extensively on this subject, how about extending it a little
>with some third-party 35mm lenses like the Canon 35mm and the Nikon 35mm
>(of course in LTM).  These cannot be compared directly as these are older
>but overall performance compared with the Leica 35mm will be helpful.  I
>have heard that the Nikon and the Canon, f1.8 and f2 respectively, were
>excellent.  I once used the Canon 35/2 but was not impressed as much as
>people claimed.  Tom or anyone else has any experience to share?

Ah!  You absolutely need to pick up a copy of NON-LEITZ LEICA THREAD-MOUNT
LENSES by, <ah-HEM> Marc James Small and available from many fine vendors
including  <Pray, pardon the shameless plug,
fellows:  I'm trying to HELP the guy!)  This book covers European and US
LTM lenses with rather massive coverage of Zeiss and Soviet/Post-Soviet LTM
lenses.  You NEED to read this!

Peter Dechert's work on Canon LTM lenses is excellent though Peter
Kitchingman in Australia is soon to publish an even more encyclopædic work.
 Nikon has, similarly, been covered in great detail by Rogliatti and other
scholars, including Hooper's fine articles.

SOMEDAY, I promise I will write a book on Oriental LTM lenses, if the Lord
allows me the time to finish studying them ... I keep learning new things,
and being forced back to square one, the same fate which seems to be
afflicting my projected book on the history of the Leica camera.

Marc  FAX:  +276/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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