Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/04/30
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Right, Henry - Robert Capa, W. Eugene Smith, Larry Burrows, Henri Huet, Gilles Peres, Philip Jones-Griffiths, Eugene Richards, Susan Meiselas,and Sabastio Salgado - just to name a few photojournalists, are "technocrats." And people who shoot rocks in their backyards are "artists." ROFLOL! - -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Henry Ting Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 4:02 PM To: Subject: RE: [Leica] 35/2 ASPH vs. 35/1.4 ASPH Thanks Tom. Your comment on the 35mm Cron is right on. I have both the ASPH and the previous version and indeed, the ASPH is a lens for the technocrats and the pre-ASPH more of an artist's lens. - --- wrote: > I have had the 35/1,2 for two months now and I have > shot about 60-70 rolls of black/white with it > (Tri-X, Acros, Delta 100 and 400 and Tech Pan). I > also have the 35/1,4 Asph (2nd generation), the 35/2 > Asph. and the classic 35/2 and 35/1,4. The weather > has been co-operating here in the North-West so I > have shot in March gloom, in April sunshine and a > variety of shots indoors. I have also been doing a > test of a developer that supposedly gives very sharp > and smooth contrast results so the reason for > testing 35’s was valid (at least in my mind). > At the moment my take on the various lenses is as > follows: > > 35/1,2 Voigtlander Aspheric: As sharp as the 35/1,4 > Aspheric is at 1,4 at 1,2. You gain ½ stop with > this lens, something that can be critical in > low-light. Contrast is lower wide open than the > 35/1,4 but goes up by f2/2,8 and stays even all the > way to f22. It is a heavy lens (450 grams) but with > the classic style knurling and large diameter barrel > it is surprisingly comfortable to hold (if not to > carry). Extremely resistant to flare, which is > critical for low light lenses as you more often than > not shoot in dim interiors with bright spotlights in > the picture area. It is a special purpose lens, just > like the Noctilux or Summilux 75, but when you need > it, there is no substitute. Dramatic drop-off on the sharpness plane > at 1,2. It makes the subject “pop†and the back-ground goes > “fuzzy†very quickly. Bokeh is quite smooth, but typical for > Japanese lenses. > > 35/1,4 Leica Aspheric: Used to be the bench mark > lens for fast 35’s. I have had mine since it was > announced long time ago. Very sharp and contrasty, > but not very well corrected for flare. Mine went > back to Solms for a rebuild in 1998 after it started > to flare badly enough to be useless. I never got an explanation what > had happened, but after 6 month it was back in my hands and has > behaved well ever since. Still you have to watch for strong lights at > the edges. Wide-open performance is very good, sharp > and contrasty, but that also means some burning and > dodging when printing black/white as the contrast is > almost too high. Less dramatic drop-off of sharpness > than the 35/1,2 and a fairly unpleasant “Bokehâ€Â. > It almost looks like digital pixilation and lacks > smoothness. The 35/1,4 Asph. weighs less than the > 35/1,2, but not by much and it is a bit smaller. > However, it does have a focusing tab which makes it > quick to focus. I am not sure that the benefits of > the 35/1,2 outweigh! > s those of the 35/1,4 Asph. if you already have the > 1.4 lens, but if you are in the market for an > ultra-fast 35 I would look at 35/1,2. > > 35/2 Aspheric: This is a strange lens. It is very > sharp and contrasty, but it has a very unpleasant “texture†to the > image. “Bokeh†is strongly “pixilated†and very edgy. It is > also a heavy lens compared to the old 35/2 and it feels clumsy. > It has a very high sharpness wide-open, probably as > good as any other 35 lens. Not very sensitive to > flare and contrast is “printable†although high. > Noticeably sharper wide open than the old 35/2, but > it lacks the smoothness in the image. I call it a > “technical†lens the way it translates a 3D > world into a flat plane. > > 35/2 Classic: I have several versions of this lens > (I do not trade or sell 35’s!) and it remains one > of my favourite. Smooth quality and, in most cases, > more than enough sharpness. Earlier 8 element lenses > are more sensitive to flare, but they do have a “signature†that > modern lenses lack. The post 1980 version of this lens is probably my > favourite. Small, lightweight and consistent in performance. It > is easy to pull a 16x20 from a Tri-X neg with this > lens. The “Bokeh†is the epitome of smoothness; > you go from a sharp plane to a creamy smoothness in > a seamless transition. There are certain lenses in > the Leica arsenal that are classics in my mind. The > 21/3,4, the 50/2 DR, the 75/1,4 and above all the > 35/2. The 35/1,4’s and the 35/1,2 are lenses for > the time when the f2 is too slow. The 35/2 Classic > is the perfect “walk-about†lens on a M2 or a > 0,58 M6/M7/MP. > > 35/1,4 Old style. The first version with the OLLUX > hood was not very good. Wide-open it exhibited Bokeh > and sometimes only Bokeh! The 2nd generation of this > lens is not a bad lens, It has a very smooth > tonality and, although not super-sharp wide open, it > is usable at f1,4. It is just about the same size as > the 35/2 Classic and you do get a stop more speed > out of it. It has one of the more interesting > qualities when it comes to field of sharpness, it > curves somewhat and that gives it a quality all its > own. If you shoot wide-open and focus at 10 feet, > the corners are sharp at 7-8 feet and the sharpness “curves†to > the center. > > One of the unsung lenses in the Leica production is > the 35/2,8 Summaron. If you don’t need the speed, > this is a great lens. Remember that to get high > speed performance in a lens something usually got to > give (size, weight or mid f-stop performance). The > 35/2,8 is as sharp as the other 35’s at f4 and 5,6 > and sometimes I suspect that they are sharper than > the “faster†counterparts. They are also usually > cheaper and in better condition than the used > 35/2’s and 1,4’s as they most likely were bought > by non-professionals and treated much more gently. I > have a couple of these lenses and what always > strikes me is the close-up performance (0,7 to 1,5 > meters), noticeably better than the 35/2’s or > 1,4’s. > > All of these statements are based on my own > experience with these lenses; the results are based > on my style of shooting, handheld and with > black/white medium speed films (400 ASA). This said, > I think that I could survive for a long time with a > M2 and a 35/2 Classic and a bag full of Tri-X. It is > amazing what you can coax out of a negative shot > with this combination! > Now I am going out to shoot a couple of rolls of > Tech-Pan with a M2 and my old 35/1,4. The sun is > beating down on the beach and life is good. > Tom A > > Tom Abrahamsson > Vancouver, BC > Canada > > -- > To unsubscribe, see __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. - -- To unsubscribe, see - -- To unsubscribe, see