Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/02/24

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Subject: [Leica] Typewriters!
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 17:43:29 -0500
References: <008f01c2dc20$dd5d7930$0316fea9@ccasony01>

At 08:35 AM 2/24/03 -0800, Henry Ting wrote:
>Well they say oldtimer writers write better on
>typewriters. Probably that "clickety, clackety" sound
>inspires their thoughts. But I for one would be driven
>crazy by that sound.

Around 1985, IBM came out with an absolutely silent keyboard, and the
typists HATED it.  So, it was taken off the market and all that we can buy
today are keyboards with a fake clicker built into them.  I LOVED the
silent board and would love to find such today -- it is great when you get
an annoying telephone call to be able to go on typing.

I learned to type on a manual Smith-Corona and later graduated to the older
IBM electrics, then to the Selectrics, and, finally, to Wheelwriters.  I
can do around 90 wpm on an electric (I did work for a year as a secretary,
after all!) but I can beat that dead with a computer -- the last test I
took on a computer was around 175 wpm and I wasn't pushing it, just typing.

Marc  FAX:  +276/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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