Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/02/21
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]At 04:50 PM 2/21/03 -0500, bdcolen wrote: >Or, to put it another way... >Real photographers don't make gears; real photographers make >photographs. :-) Well, I guess BD has just put paid to the idea of the Renaissance Man. Me? I can take pictures, process them, write books, drive a car, cook one hell of a pan of fried chicken, discourse on single-malts, use a lathe and drill press, instruct you on the course of the Russian Revolution, teach you ancient Greek or Latin, paddle a kayak or a canoe, show you the Zodiac, and explain what the US Constitution means, in words of one syllable or less <he grins>. You really should re-read Heinlein's TIME ENOUGH FOR LOVE. He lists the above, and some other things which I cannot do -- such as driving a starship through null-space -- as the mark of a real person. All others are fakes. I suspect that most of the folks on this List are capable of cutting a simple gear-wheel to precise tolerance on a decent machine lathe. Almost all of us are old enough to have had shop in junior high rather than the current rage of putting girls through shop and boys through Home Ec. Stay flexible, BD. Marc FAX: +276/343-7315 Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir! - -- To unsubscribe, see