Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/02/18

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Thoughts on shooting in snowstorms.
From: Jim Hemenway <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 11:10:33 -0500
References: <>

Lincoln, lincoln I've been thinkin,
what in the world have you been drinkin?
Is it whisky? Is it wine?
Oh my gawd it's turpentine!

Marc, so now I'm guilty of innuendo, personal assault, calumny and
canard?  And, I and my "kind" are trying to steal our liberties?

Your message is one of the most irrational that you've ever posted, and
is not worthy of you or of any further comment.

- -- 

Jim -

Marc James Small wrote:
> At 09:43 PM 2/17/03 -0500, Jim Hemenway wrote:
> >I think that Brian wants us to talk about photography rather than
> >conservative plots and such.  :)
> Most of the commentary on this List consists of political asides by those
> who wish to steal us of our liberties, Jim.
> The snide comments would properly be reserved for your own kind, who fight
> by innuendo, personal asualt, and downright calumny and canard.
> Marc
>  FAX:  +276/343-7315
> Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

Jim Hemenway wrote:
> I think that Brian wants us to talk about photography rather than
> conservative plots and such.  :)
> So here goes... today I tried to take some photos during this sideways
> snowstorm that we're having up here in the People's Republic of New
> England.  My R8 attracted snow the way house trailers in Florida attract
> tornados, and the old 6 mpixel Nikon/Kodak gave me 1/2 second exposures
> as it's old enough to be only an 80 ASA/ISO.. no tripod with me and I
> probably wouldn't have used one anyway because it was just too cold to
> be futzing around with one.
> Nevertheless I think that I may have squeezed of a couple of good ones
> with the R8 using Provia F 400 and will try again early tomorrow with
> the 19mm Elmarit instead of the zoom.
> Unless it's bright enough the digital will stay SCSI'd up to the Mac.
> What do you folks who have worked in a snowstorm with its overcast used
> for film... or "filum" as the old geezer down the street calls it.  (I'm
> getting old, but not yet into gezzerdom.)
> Thanks for any thoughts,
> Jim "Friends don't let friends vote Republican" Hemenway
- --
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In reply to: Message from Marc James Small <> (Re: [Leica] Thoughts on shooting in snowstorms.)