Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/10/22
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Rafael, I use a M6-TTL and love the camera. Other differences that may play into your decision include the fact that the TTL has an actual "off" notch on its slightly larger shutter speed dial. The M6 Classic has drained some batteries by not having a dedicated "off" switch if my understanding is correct. That is due to the shutter release being left slightly depressed in storage. Also, why not give yourself the advantage of easier flash photography just in case you might need or want it? You mentioned that you do do some indoor photography but I've found the TTL feature to be very useful as I've taken many more indoor snapshot type photos with this rig than I originally anticipated. That is just me though. Finally, in practice, I don't think that the very slight size diffence is an advantage or disadvantage one over the other. You just have to see what feels comfortable. In all, though either one is a winner, my suggestion is to go with the M6-TTL. Good luck, Frank On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 22:06:50 +0200 Rafael Alday <> wrote: > Hi all, > I am Rafael Alday from Spain. I am new in the > group. I have been using a CV > Bessa R and R2 but now I want to upgrade to a > second hand MINT Leica M6 > using the R2 ans a second body. My doubt is if > I have to buy M6 "Classic" or > TTL. I also take indoors photos but not very > frequently. The price for both > cameras is practically the same > The advantages of M6 "Classic" seems to be: > 2mm smaller > żless flare tendency in viewfinder? > Tha advantages of TTL version > TTL flash photography > żmore accurate lightmeter? > > Am I right. > I have to make the decision. Please... help, > Rafael > > _______________________________________________________________ > Yahoo! Messenger > Nueva versión: Webcam, voz, y mucho más > ĄGratis! > Descárgalo ya desde > > -- > To unsubscribe, see > > - -- To unsubscribe, see