Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/07/02

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Re:
From: "Mârtiòð Zelmenis" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 15:31:38 +0200

I am confused - is it a personal question? Or does it go to the LUG list as

Anyway, if it's addressed to me - no, I was and am serious - I like the the
spontaneity about the picture, and so the bright number seems essential to
the composition. It doesn't offend me in the least that the bright patch
stands out as it does. Nothing staged or awkward about the shot, but a slice
of life; not a <decisive moment>, but a real photo, smth. more than <just a
snapshot>; IMHO Leicas were made to capture pictures exactly like this one.


So you were joking when you praised the photo?

- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Alastair
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 3:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Leica] Re:

>Just wondering:
>What's decisive about the moment? What makes this an outstanding
>B. D.

:-) I know a joke when I see one. Jingle bells ;-)

Perhaps you don't understand the Poms, and their flag waving
evenings: there will always be an England. Well as has been
popularized by comics over the years:

The English the English the English are best
I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest.

And all the world over its always the same,
they've simple no notion of "playing the game".
They argue with umpires and cheer when they've won,
and they practice before hand which ruins the fun.

The English art noble the English are nice
and worth any other at double the price.

The English are all that a nation should be
so up with the English and down with the rest ;-)

- --
Alastair Firkin

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