Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/06/17

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: Mac User and Programmer [extended OT rant]
From: Darrell Jennings <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 11:43:59 -0700 (PDT)

I understand Marc, and I can relate...I think the
reason I use a Leica is that I prefer analog hobbies
because my life tends to be digital the rest of the
time.  My point was that much of the audience here is
a pretty savvy group technically.  A big part of
communication is understanding your audience...If they
use acronyms take that as a bit of background on where
they are coming from rather than fighting it.  

Sound as you feel your reasoning is, you're trying to
"boil the ocean" if you are communicating on the
internet and want to get rid of acronyms. 

- --- Marc James Small <> wrote:
> At 07:09 PM 6/16/02 -0700, Darrell Jennings wrote:
> >Marc, I have worked in IT (Information Technology)
> and
> >Communications for 27 years....and acronyms are not
> >going away.  
> Thank you for your most kind posting.  However, I
> was not speaking of
> professional life, but life here on the Leica Users'
> Group.  Why not spell
> out Leica Users' Group?  Why not use the apostrophe
> to admit the existence
> of the possessive case?  Why not do things clearly
> and cleanly and properly?
> My law practice barely interfaces with "technology":
>  it could be run by a
> kerosene lamp and without a telephone.  (And,
> whenever I do hear the
> telephone ring, I assure my secretary that it will
> be taken out ASAP.  She
> loves telephone calls, while I regard them as
> horrible things.
> In the end, allow me to suggest that we ignore the
> dictates of any of these
> "technogeeks" and simply choose to spell things out!
> Best
> Marc
>  FAX:  +276/343-7315
> Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!
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