Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/04/22

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: B&W vs Colour (was "National Geographic")
From: "Mârtiòð Zelmenis" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 08:08:18 +0200

It's quite the opposite:

both are here to stay (hopefully    ;-)    ) - and for different purposes at
that. There are lots of various legitimate _artistic_ or _practical_ (or
whatever) purposes to prefer bw over color - or vice versa,
and it's up to us to define (NB!) our needs - and then we can choose.

It's a good world!


I hardly think the aesthetic/artistic question of color or B&W is on a par
with GM v Ford, or "my whatever rocks, yours sucks." Although I have no idea
how your mind works. ;-)

B. D.

- -----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Mârtiòð
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: B&W vs Colour (was "National Geographic")

I had intended to keep my mouth shut on the subject, but couldn't help it.

If it were so, there'd be no difference between pictures in bw and colour.
Much to some peoples' dismay - and most unfortunately - coulour pictures
just aren't bw.


It's pretty basic, actually - and was pointed out earlier BTW (although in
different words) that bw pictures <enhance the graphic qualities> of photos.

There's a clinical psychology thesis in here somewhere.  B&W vs colour,
Leica vs Nikon, Mac vs PC, Kodak vs Fuji, Ford vs GM, Windows vs Linux.
Every, newsgroup, mailing list and local pub has an argument of this sort
simmering away: must be some deep rooted evolutionary need to belong to a
tribe or something.


Your film, camera, computer, car is crap.  Mine rocks!

Please note this is not intended as an attack on anyone.  Merely an

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