Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/03/10

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Subject: RE: [Leica] airport film check
From: "Austin Franklin" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 16:41:11 -0500

> >
> >I'm not sure I get it (actually, I'm sure I don't get it ;-).
> What did he
> >think you said?
> >
> Austin
> Read the REST of my post to discover this!
> Marc

I did, Marc, and it doesn't say anything about what the security guard
thought you said...


Here's the whole post:

One method which works at some, but probably not all, airports is to
telephone three or four days ahead and speak to the Airport Chief Security
Dude.  Explain the problem.  Be friendly but firm.  Explain the
regulations.  He might well figure a work-around.

Pushing your rights at five minutes to flight time seems incredibly
self-destructive at the best.  I've been threatened with arrest at airport
security lines for an innocent remark to a bystander -- a bunch of us were
in Scottish garb at the local airfield to meet a Clan Chief flying in for
some Scottish games, and I innocently asked another member of the greeting
party why he had left his dirk at home.  I then had a blue-in-the-face
security officer pulling me aside and reading me my rights.  I smiled,
showed him my Bar Card, and assured him that, if he thought he had a case,
he should charge me.  His boss came over and called the mad dog off, with
an apology to me.

But the basic point remains:  a person is going through an airport security
point to get to an airplane, not to assert rights.  Rights can be asserted
several days in advance or several days after the fact, but doing so at the
crises point can too easily lead to your spending the night in the local
Cross-Bar Hotel.

Marc  FAX:  +276/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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