Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/02/10

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Enlarging lenses (slightly OT)
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 21:08:09 -0500
References: <>

At 08:23 PM 2/10/02 -0500, Sam Carleton wrote:
>What lens are you currently using on your Leitz V-35?  I have one with
>the Leitz 40/2.8 on it.  Is there a better peice of glass I can put on
>the puppy?  What about the autofocus, would that work with someone elses

If you stay with a 40mm lens, you should preserve auto-focus.  I have the
Leitz 2.8/40 WA-Focotar.  Erwin tested this head-to-head with the 2.8/40
Schneider APO-Componon and opined that the APO-Componon is a significantly
finer enlarging lens.  JSK makes two 40mm APO-Componon, the f/2.8 model
Erwin uses and the much rarer 4/40 model which is supposed to be better
yet, though slower.  I have not yet found an inexpensive used 40mm
APO-Componon but plan on swapping one of these for the WA-Focotar when I do
locate such.

Marc  FAX:  +276/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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