Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2002/01/17

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Marc Small's M3 - M6 explanation - LONG BUT WORTH IT
From: "Dr. Elliot Puritz" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 20:59:09 -0500
References: <>

Amen!  Reasonable compromise.  Many more important things in life.  Over,
done, past...

- ----- Original Message -----
From: Marc James Small <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] Marc Small's M3 - M6 explanation - LONG BUT WORTH IT

> At 12:47 PM 1/17/02 EST, wrote:
> >OK, friends, you want facts, here are the facts.
> >
> Thanks, Seth, for your full, and rather derogatory, response.
> I believe we are speaking of two different eras.  My original posting was
> limited to the period prior to the later 1960's;  your comments seem to be
> directed at the very period I admitted was when the change occurred,
> years back.
> In any event, my Leitz literature of the era is boxed and not readily
> available and I am simply professionally swamped (surely, you recall those
> days, when you were still practicing law, though you were not, from your
> letter some years back, apparently ever a solo practitioner, where
> everything must be dealt with by the lawyer and there are no hot-and-cold
> running associates to whom you can throw files), so that I am not free to
> access it without a couple of hours of effort which shall not be available
> for some weeks.  But, trust me, in 1955, Leitz did suggest periodic CLA's
> and did, for that reason, offer training to franchisees in Leitz camera
> gear repair.
> I would be surprised if Jim Lager told you this was not the case.  I will
> write him, when time allows, to see if he holds to that position -- and,
> he does, I will cheerfully put him in touch with folks who DID enjoy such
> training.  I am surprised that an experienced and honored attorney such as
> yourself so frequently resorts to anonymous tips from "those guys on the
> telephone", but so you seem to do.  In the case of Jim's statements, I
> strongly suspect you left a lot out of the discussion.  In any event, I
> will write him so that a written record exists, and I will attempt to be
> fair in my queries.
> In any event, I would suggest that you and I quit sparring.  You have
> nit-picked every major posting I have made on the LUG for some months,
>  I have attempted to ignore your postings save when you begin attacking
> those, such as Erwin, who frankly need no defense from me but whom, in the
> interests of fairness, I choose to defend.
> I doubt if you want me to repeat here the ridiculous letter you sent me
> several years back threatening me with a defamation lawsuit.  I suggested
> then, and repeat now, a suggestion that you renew your knowledge of
> defamation law.  It would be in the best interests of this List that we
> cease picking on each other and just ignore the presence of each other, as
> Erwin has chosen to do.  (Erwin is much more the gentleman than I am, as
> well as being much more the scholar.)
> In other words, Seth.  Post what you might from here on, and I shall
> it.  I request the same courtesy from you.  I am entitled to hold my
> thoughts in private of your command of Leica lore, and you are entitled to
> hold your thoughts of mine.  But, as I am certain at least one of your Law
> Professors told you, "don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk".  We
> both can withdraw from this contest with honor, as we both can think ill
> thoughts in private of the other.
> Let us get on to important things.  Just remember:  if you disagree with
> postings, hold your peace.  If I disagree with yours, I will hold mine.
> Marc
>  FAX:  +540/343-7315
> Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!
> --
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In reply to: Message from Marc James Small <> (Re: [Leica] Marc Small's M3 - M6 explanation - LONG BUT WORTH IT)