Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/12/22
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Hi, Gary, I am thanks -well. Anyway, while the mainstream press may have interlocked corporate owners, etc. etc. etc., on the editorial side the major American papers still at least strive for something approaching a reasonably balanced view of reality. While they don't always succeed, I would argue that they still succeed better than most of the rest of the world's media. Are you really equating the news pages of, say, The New York Times, with the pages of The Greenpeace Times (or whatever it is called)? The Times exists to present news of the world to the public - no matter what you may think of the job it does. The Greenpeace publication exists solely to push the Greenpeace agenda. B. D. Gary Elshaw wrote: > BD wrote: > >>And the Greenpeace "newspaper" is hardly a newspaper - it is a public >>relations organ that exists to promote Greenpeace. >> > > I know it wasn't your intention, but this makes your argument sound a little > on the naīve side, I mean, we could never accuse an arm of the media being > responsible for spreading, retrenching (insert own personal qualifier here) > its own ideological paradigm could we? > > Hope you're well, > Gary > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > There are, of course, those who would argue that it's unhealthy to read a > children's author past the age of, say, 24. Big people are supposed to > reserve their enthusiasm for real estate, business plans and zero-sum games > played by linguistically-impoverished men with hairy knuckles. This, in my > view, is real nonsense. A world in which it's uncool for grownups to care > passionately about books -- children's books, any books -- would be > infinitely scarier than a world with telepathic avocados or real estate > agents from outer space. > > ---Paul LaFarge on children's author Daniel Pinkwater > > OO > [_]<| > /|\ > Gary Elshaw > Film Tutor > Victoria University > New Zealand > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------------- > > -- > To unsubscribe, see > > - -- To unsubscribe, see