Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/12/18

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Any good book about leica photography for newbies ?
From: "Mârtiòð Zelmenis" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:11:46 +0200


(here's my 0.2)

it's true, you won't learn much about photo using PS cameras. And - while it
is indispensable to have a good library in your vicinity, I'd say any
beginner needs just one introductory (hand)book at home - if any specific
needs arise, he/she will know what book to look for! To me at least, I just
can't imagine carrying books (either for reading or reference, no matter)
around when shooting - you won't have the time to use them in the field - so
read the texts when at home, it'll give you more headway to brood over your
mistakes - and you'll have more time to think how to correct them!
I've translated Hedgecoe's book into Latvian, so I feel like supporting his
product - he covers nearly everything a beginner might be interested in, and
it's nothing wrong to imitate a good example. Too bad only, usually he
mentions Leicas (and RFs in general) just to inform of them.


Hi !!!

I'm just a newbie photographer, i think photographer is a word too much
exagerated for my possibilities, that i bought a Leica camera some time
ago. It's, i'm just remembering, a ZX model , i think. A low-budget P&S

I would like to learn to shot photos with a minimum quality and i was
thinking about going to a course and buying one or two books about
photography for nerds. :-) (my desire to learn photography is only
comparable to the bad photos i shot) .

I have been seeing and i have found a leica pocket guide, but i
don't know about what it is the book... Also, i have some books that seems
interesting, like the Kodak Guide to 35 mm photography, the John Hedgecoe's
New Introductory Photography course and a new one called Using your Camera
, from George Schaub...

But maybe you could give me some clever advice... Thanks a lot. :-)
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