Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/10/08

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Subject: Re: [Leica] forbidden territory
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 17:14:45 -0400

At 01:38 PM 10/8/01 -0700, Barb Cutler wrote:
>The deafening silence that followed indicates that this is not a subject
>worthy of treatment.
>OK. Thanks anyway.
>If there is a closet flash-user out there feel free to reply off list. :^)

I'm not certain that the sarcasm is appropriate, Bob.  You asked a question
and not one of the List members felt like responding.  So what?  That
doesn't mean that the question was inappropriate nore does it mean that the
other folks on the List are being snobbish or dismissive in not responding
- -- maybe we were all just busy on other projects.

To get to your question, though -- any flash gear will work.  I have strobe
flashes ranging from a Metz 45CL-4 down to a couple of minimalist pocket
flashes, and I use them as appropriate.  I do carry a Vivitar 283 about
with me in my Leica bag, as this is probably the most versatile
reasonably-sized flash.  Heck, I've even got a couple of Leitz bulb flashes
- -- CEYOO and Chicos -- which I have used in fits of purist passion.  (Of
course, a REAL Leica purist would only use Braun electronic flashes, as
Leitz and Braun spent 12 or 15 years coöperating closely on the development
of what we know now as the plain-Jane flash.)

Just use whatever flash gear is at hand, and take pictures.  

Marc  FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

- --
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Replies: Reply from "Barb Cutler" <> (Re: [Leica] forbidden territory)