Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/09/03

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Leica Pinhole shot
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001 13:56:21 -0400
References: <004e01c1347e$6567a720$>

At 01:08 PM 9/3/01 -0400, George Kenney wrote:
>It has long seemed to me that those most zealous about kissing the 
>asses of others they perceive to be socially superior are also the 
>most demanding that perceived social inferiors kiss theirs. This is 
>commonly described among clergy, for example, as "the bigger the 
>front, the bigger the back." In this pinhole case, your comment had 
>nothing to do with criticism, constructive or otherwise, but a lot to do 
>with how great you are in your own mind. 

Wow.  George, Ted Grant is one of the original LUG "Gang of Five" and is
the most-level tempered of the bunch (well, Tina is level-tempered, too,
but she's always off in the toolies somewhere or other, and we often need
and miss her calming influences!).  

Your response is, well, more than a bit surly.  

Ted stated a distaste for pinhole photography.  I share this distaste,
though I admire its practitioners as I admire folks who still do mercury
process stuff and the like.  Takes guts to be REALLY old-fashioned and to
adopt an optical tool even Hans Lipperschey found too crude for his purposes.

Further, think of the tool being used for the particular art-form.  ANY
camera can be adapted to pinhole photography -- hell, there are folks out
there using coffee-cans for the all of it, and more power to them.  And I
have adapters on hand which would allow me to fit some really embarrassing
ISCO-Göttingen M42 lens to my M6, but why degrade a fine body with a
horrible lens?  

All in all, I appreciated Ted's comment a lot more than the rudeness of
your reply -- again, I HAD thought I was the List Curmudgeon, but I see now
that I am being challenged for bilious thin-skinned (and, frankly,
thin-witted) snap answers.

Just where IS Eric Welch, now that we need him?

Marc  FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

Replies: Reply from Feliciano di Giorgio <> (Re: [Leica] Leica Pinhole shot)
In reply to: Message from "Ted Grant" <> (Re: [Leica] Leica Pinhole shot)