Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/08/20

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Subject: [Leica] Military acronyms
From: Marc James Small <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 19:14:27 -0400
References: <000101c129a8$5c950880$5ebab5d4@default> <005701c1282e$c6650380$> <v04011701b7a593fa4506@[]> <013101c128c7$06d35280$>

KISS is most assuredly not a "Navy" acronym -- its first recorded use was
in 1917 in the 1st Division ('the Big Red One'), and the second 'S' was
assuredly NOT 'stupid', but a more scatalogical, and less complimentary,
term.  The Navy usage, while logical, is somewhat later.

SNAFU has already been defined.  There are also:

FUBAR	"'Fouled' Up Beyond All Recognition"
FIGMO	"'Forget' It -- I Got My Orders"
DILLIGAS	"Do I Look Like I Give A 'Shoot'" ("Shoot" here complying with the
Carlin rule, that "Sh*t is Shoot With Two "O"'s")

There are a slew of others.  Heck, I thought there were a lot more veterans
on the List.  The British had even better ones than ours, as did the

Marc  FAX:  +540/343-7315
Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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Message from Guy Bennett <> (Re: [Leica] Missed you)