Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/07/27

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Subject: RE: [Leica] NOw OT Contax, was Leica filters, by Leica?
From: "Mehrdad Sadat" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 10:26:09 -0700

marc, I have used and continue to use hoya filters (super multicoated &
ultra) and they are just fine. I typically use hoya super multi or heliopan
slim multi interchangeable. the hoya ultra is probably the "slimmest" i have
seen for wide lenses, it has not front thread, comes with a cap and the
construction is quite good. the heliopan's look a littler heftier but also
about 30% more expensive, what kind of problem have u had with hoya filters?

Thanks, Mehrdad

[-----Original Message-----
[[]On Behalf Of Marc James
[Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 9:52 AM
[Subject: RE: [Leica] NOw OT Contax, was Leica filters, by Leica?
[At 10:11 AM 7/27/01 -0600, Kevin M. Bell wrote:
[>The lenses are produced in Japan, under license.  As far as I know, none
[>are produced in Germany.  They still use Schott glass and the manufacture
[>is directed or supervised by engineers from Carl Zeiss.
[This can be a slippery term, as most of the more mundane Schott glasses are
[now made by Hoya -- they are so listed in the Schott Catalog, that industry
[standard.  Thus, the actual glass used in the Kyocera plant to make a given
[Zeiss lens might well come from the Hoya plant in Japan.  No problem:  the
[Hoya standards used for their Schott glasses are quite high.  (And, yes, I
[have had unfortunate problems with the quality of Hoya filters, but that
[isn't the same glass used in their Schott formulae.)
[It has been the custom that newly introduced or exotic (really wide-angle
[or extreme telephoto) designs are made at Oberkochen, while production of
[other lenses moves early in the run to Kyocera.
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