Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/06/24
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Nice way to spend a Saturday... or any day for that matter... - - Jay At 11:57 AM 6/24/2001, Marc James Small wrote: >It is most unusual to have a major photographic auction close to my home in >western Virginia, but we had one yesterday. Ken Farmer Auctions in >Radford, Virginia, sold off the estate of a 'photographic accumulator'. It >was most interesting to attend -- the auction was well-run and 224 lots >were knocked down over a period of about three hours. > >There were few surprises: the photographic gear, with one exception, went >below or at the bottom of the "expected range", while images (stereoscopic, >magic lantern slides, prints, negatives) brought in two to three times, or >more, of this "range". The sole exception was an Edison Projecting >Kinoscope, Number 16, with an expected range of $400 to $600; this puppy >knocked down at $8,500. > >The photo gear advisor was Bob Shell, whom I finally -- after more than a >decade of exchanges by mail, fax, phone, and e-mail -- got to meet in >person. One of the attendees was the IDCC's own Bob Kulinski, noted sage >of Wood-and-Brass, who left with a trunkful of gear and a sly smile on his >face. > >I didn't dent my pocket-book badly, and went away content with an E- >Minature Speed Graphic (badly worn back, Kalart RF out of whack, otherwise >functional, no film holder), an E- Agfa Ambi-Silette (functional, but the >latch on the RF cover is worn), an E 5.6/300 Kilfitt (minor fungus, >cosmetically E+, but with a COZWI!), an E Argus C-44 set (with the variable >finder, the 100mm Cintagon, and the vaunted Argus Flash), and a Rollei 35 >case. Nothing of Rolleiflex, Leica, or Zeiss/Zeiss Ikon was offered of >special interest to me, though a IIIA was withdrawn from auction for >unstated reasons. > >All in all, a fascinating 3 hours. > >Marc > > FAX: +540/343-7315 >Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!