Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/05/12
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]>>> Can't recommend an Oxford lab sadly. Morris Photo in Oxford High Street sometimes has used Leica. Enjoy your stay! >>> I lived in Oxford for about 16 years, and know the Morris people very well. I bought my first camera (a Leica, due to seeing HCB's portraits) there in 85. The only piece of Leica equipment they have had for as long as I can remember is an empty M4-P box they want Ł20 for! Probably my old one. But nice guys - especially Cliff and Scott my old mate who no longer works there. There is an exceptional lab in Oxford called Colourbox just off St. Clements, about two hundred yards off the Magdalen Bridge roundabout. The best, but not cheapissimo. You should also check out the Photographer's Workshop in St. Mary's Road - where I first met my wife although she fancied a guy called John who lived in the loft there. And I didn't fancy her either - it took us 6 years to come to our senses. The Workshop - which I believe has changed name - used to have a hire darkroom and run courses. The owner is Keith (last name forgotten). So much for Oxford! I only go there once every couple of years or so now, but still, the Workshop was a happening place back in the eighties - the Smiths and the Wailers and the Housemartins blasting into the darkroom and my fingertips turning brown like Walker Evans's. I thought I was going to be a photographer! I loved the smell of fixer on the morning breeze. No more. I'm flooding my laptop's keyboard with nostalgic tears, so I'll stop now. Rob.