Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/05/03

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Which Ultra-Wide, Heliar 15mm or Heliar 12mm
From: henry <>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 19:21:00 -0500

Issac wrote:
>	Here's where I disagree. In many outdoor situations, a meter just isn't
>needed if you have some experience and confidence in your experience.

I have experience and confidence.
Experience says use the meter.
Confidence because I do.
I don't blindly follow what it says, I interpret it with experience.

btw: Experience also says have an extra meter.

Having said this I do make lots of interpretive adjustments to what the 
meter tells me. I may meter once and adjust for the changes on the fly 
without consulting the meter.

But sometimes you just got to have a meter. People who make their living 
photographing have an economic gun to their head. That gun might go off 
if they don't make the exposure they plan for.

This "no meter" exposure thing comes up every so often. I guess if you 
use only one film and one camera you can squeek by making pictures for 
yourself this way. And if that suits you then go ahead and enjoy yourself.


Replies: Reply from Isaac Crawford <> (Re: [Leica] Which Ultra-Wide, Heliar 15mm or Heliar 12mm)