Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/04/20
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]First let me thank the personwho pointed out that using the RF on continuous for single shots is quiter than on single shot mode. I just tried it and it is true. Last year I put my evaluation of the Hexar RF and a comparison with the M5 and M6 on the Lug. The latter caused a minor flame war. Since interest seems to have returned to the Hexar RF, here is a copy of my evaluation with some comparison with the M5. I still like and use the RF totally unaffected by the animosity of a few Luggers. HEXAR RF Before evaluating the Hexar RF, let me give my Leica background so that everything is in context. I am a serious amateur photographer and the Leica M camera has been my primary photographic tool since 1963 or 64 (I am 60 years old). I started with an M2 and 50 F2.8 Elmar and have also used the M3, 4, 5, and 6, as well as the CL and the CLE. Yes, Išve used SLRšs, but not very frequently. The rangefinder way of seeing has always appealed to me. My current system consists of Leica M5 (with a softie) and Hexar RF, used with the15 Heliar, 35M Sumicron, 50 Wetzlar F2, and 90 Tele-Elmarit. I also have a classic Hexar (original), which has become my main camera for indoor available light light in moderate size settings, the GR1, and a Canon QL17-GIII (which always gets thrown in my suitcase as a backup and gives nice images). My SLR is a Canon Rebel S with a 35-70 zoom which I havenšt used for several years. Whatšs very important for me when using a camera is light weight and a good viewfinder. I also realize that EVERY camera is a compromise, so whatšs important to me may not be to others. Now, onto the RF HEXAR. My scale says that it weighs about an ounce more than an M6 and a couple of ounces less than the M5. It has a very good solid feel in my hands. The control are very natural for a M user except that the location of the shutter release is a little different. The loading is easy and the rewinding automatic. With moderate background noise, I donšt hear the camera rewinding, and when I try to take a picture and get no response I can get momentarily confused. (The rewind on the classic Hexar is hard to hear at any time.) VIEWFINDER: The RF viewfinder presents an interesting contrast with the M2,4,5 (I will refrain from my usual tirade on the crummy M6 framelines). I wear average thickness glasses. With M5, I can almost see all of the 35mm frameline by jamming my glasses against the window. The view is large and gives an interesting sense of being part of the picture. With the RF, there is the whole 35 frame floating with space around it (but a little smaller than the M). In fact I can see the 28 lines. This is a different feeling from the M and Išm not sure which I prefer; maybe it will depend on the situation. Framing accuracy is better with the 35 on the RF. The bigger 90 frameline on the M5 is a real plus. The 90 framelines on an M6 is laughable (there I go again). The RF finder is a little dimmer than an M, which doesnšt bother me. Focusing was quite easy, but I havenšt tested the RF yet in a spontaneous low light situation. METERING (with B&W and color negative): I can manually meter with the best of them and often do with the M5 and the classic Hexar. But I like aperture priority automatic as long as I have an exposure lock. The RF has two automatic settings, AE and AEL. In AE I think it meters until the shutter starts to open. AEL is like most cameras - when the shutter release is pressed half way down, the exposure is locked in. I canšt understand why AE is even an option. It seems utterly useless, especially with the semi spot meter which I will get to next. My exposure with 25 rolls of B&W and color neg taken mostly outdoors in the somewhat tricky light in Greece was just fine. I only used AEL and never found a need for manual. The RF seems to have a very heavy centerweighted system, which may really be a semi spot meter like the M6. The instruction book is very badly written, but a diagram in the advertising literature seems to indicate semi spot with a little spread (maybe like the Nikon F3???). The RF meter on AEL even worked very well when I had to shoot very fast with varied lighting and no chance to choose what to meter on. With the M5 I know exactly what I am metering. When I meter in manual, I love the M5. The 1/4000 shutter speed can be great, if you have too high a speed film in the camera to shoot in the F5.6 - 11 range or when I want to deliberately use the wonderful bokeh of Leica lenses. Yes, I believe in bokeh, no matter what the engineers say. MOTOR: I am left eyed, so the motor is a godsend. With any non motorized camera, I have to take my eye from the viewfinder to wind the film. The sound of the shutter and motor are a bit sharp compared to an M body, but not objectionable so far - the classic Hexar is the best. However, as I said before, I havenšt tested it in an intimate low light setting. As I was shooting the rear end of a burro (ugh) in Greece, he clearly heard the sound (about 25 feet away) and turned to look, which gave me a nice shot. If new rangefinder models appear, I will certainly be ready to consider them, but I pray they will use my Leica lenses. Išd love to see a Bessa R with an M mount (itšs so nice and light). AN ADD ON My Hexar RF focuses a little past infinity, so I tested it very carefully closeup at F2 with both the Konica 50 and the 50 Summicron. with basically no depth of field, the focus was dead on. Yes it is annoying, but for all practical purposes, it works just fine. I have now shot about 30 rolls of film with it and no problems. The most annoying thing for me is not understanding the exact area being metered. The Konica ad booklet and the instruction book seem to contradict each other and the review in Pop Photography was useless.