Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/02/11
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Ted; No! No grieving for a blown shoot. The best solution Išve found for that is to look in the mirror and slowly and softly keep saying łdummy, dummy, . . . ł for about an hour, then a good cry followed by a single malt and a good nights sleep. The next morning you are refreshed and ready to go out and blow another shoot. I will definitely take you up on the invite next time Išm in your area. Išve been there twice, once on vacation (Olympic Peninsula ---> Victoria - ---> Vancouver) and once giving a seminar talk at UBC. On the vacation, a friend took us to a fantastic Dim Sum lunch. Išm a book nut and was very impressed with the used bookstores in Vancouver. Išve known Tom for a long time. We once spent the day wandering around Boston. He seemed to be wearing at least six Mšs, one on each shoulder, two around the neck, and I think one from each ear. That guy really hates to change lenses Jay - -------------------------- ł From: "Ted Grant" <> Subject: Re: [Leica] Devastated in Victoria! Hi Jay, Gee you over there in the big city, man you've got to get to-gether with the "Vancouver LUG crazies," Henning, Sylvia, Tom & Tuulikki, Irene, Sandy and myself and any visitors who happen to be in town at one of our more elegant soirees! An early Single malt scotch Leica chit chat, followed by a most wonderful dinner with more Leica talk and happy snaps of each other while pigging out on Saki and great Japanese food. Send along a phone number private and one of the Vancouver crew will see if your available the next time we chow down Leica Japanese style. :-) Thanks for the "LRDA" info as there are many times I could use a dry grieving towel! ;-) Do they also do "crying on the shoulder" grief counseling when you've screwed up a Leica shoot? Or is it Red Dot specific? ;-) ted