Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2000/12/07
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Mark Rabiner wrote: > > I agree with this completely and feel it is VERY important. > These are split offs and they are nasty. Not intended to be, Mark. Sorry if it seemed that way. > We need all the Leica discussion on the LUG possible. > We have fun with our off topic threads but the on topic threads are why we are here. > And we are here to talk about Leica cameras. > > When the LEG was created it was a nasty deal and talking about it as if it were > some kind of logical conclusion to some technical problem is disingenuous. It > was about personal hostilities, nothing more, nothing less. I've gathered it was something like that. > Enthusiasts? Baloney!! > When their threads dry up they visit here as if they are our friends from the > other side of the hill. > They have weakened this list. As I replied to Nathan, I hope this doesn't happen. The creation of the LEG was completely different, as far as I can tell, offering an alternative to the LUG. The R groups are not meant to do that; if anything, they should supplement the LUG. > > The idea here being proposed about an SLR list doesn't seem to be based on > personal stuff that i can tell. Agreed. I'm glad you see it that way. > It's just a tad simpleā¦ will draw discussions away form the LUG; will effect us negatively. I hope not. I believe the LUG will still be attractive to its members - like it is to me. The kind of discussions that arise on the other lists are vey different, please see for yourself. The LUG has its own unique flavour. > Discussing a Split-off is rude. It's not meant to be but I can see how some might think so: "Who's this Ray Moth character? He's only been on the LUG for a few weeks and he's already trying to damage it. Not only that, but he's got the bl**dy nerve to use the LUG as the medium for doing so!" > Say: "I've started a new list; you guys are idiots; blah blah blah good-by!!" Who said anything like that? Not I! I hope you're not taking this the wrong way. > and that should be the last we here from you or your damn list. > Our main thrust here is M but R and LTM and R threads have never been questioned. > "Pander elsewhere!" i say. > It really pisses me off when people refer to us as the LUG/LEG; > as if we are two compatible mutually beneficial cohabiting lists. > The LEG break off was not a positive thing for the LUG. How could it be... > unless all the intolerant a##holes all quit us for them > no such luck!! Hey, I don't really want them on my list either but, if they like it, they're welcome to join! > > mark rabiner > :) Noted! :) to you too. > Department Of Redundancy Department I could draw a parallel with the Olympus Mailing List, which has survived and is currently growing, despite a 'split-off' created especially for Olympus Pen users who felt they needed it. Anyway, I'm not planning to reply to any more comments about split-offs, although I'll read them with interest. People need to have their say without my trying to tell them they're wrong, they've misinterpreted, blah blah blah. :-) Regards, ===== Ray "The trouble with resisting temptation is you never know when you'll get another chance!" __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.