Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/12/25

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: Forsale and WTB on the LUG
From: "Bryan Caldwell" <>
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 17:47:33 PST


Believe me, I "get it." I have always acknowledged the fact that this is 
Brian's list. If Bryan makes a rule I will either abide by it or go 
elsewhere. My problem with the Friday business is (1) What rules do exist 
about FS posts are routinely ignored (not that I particularly mind - it just 
begs the questions, why should some of the rules be enforced and some not?) 
and (2) People have posted FS messages on days other than Fridays (in 
complete compliance with the stated rules of the LUG) and had people respond 
with venomous tirades that were completely uncalled for.

A simple post offering a Leica-related item for sale is no more spam (as 
some have referred to it) as song lyrics, scotch comparisons, the advantages 
of underwear as a lens cleaner, etc. - we all know that this could go on and 

I think that what a lot of people don't get, is that until Brian chooses to 
implement limit on FS posts, one doesn't exist.

Brian calls the shots. But, as far as I'm concerned any official limitations 
on what we can and cannot post means that there are acceptable subjects and 
non-acceptable subjects. If Brian chooses to make some subjects 
unacceptable, I will take up my disatisfaction with him. If he doesn't, I 
will feel free to post what I want when I want.

Once again, I think we have taken up far more time and energy in debate than 
we would ever see in FS posts themselves.

My suggestion to Brian is that he address this issue when and if it ever 
becomes a problem. I've yet to see a day, Fridays included, in which FS 
posts are in danger of crowding the bad jokes and off-topic discussions off 
the list.


>From: "Roger Beamon" <>
>Subject: [Leica] Re:  Forsale and WTB on the LUG
>Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 16:33:10 -0700
>On 25 Dec 99, Bryan Caldwell wrote, at least in part:
> > To say that because some LUG members don't want to read For
> > Sale postings and therefore they should be limited one day a week
> > leads to the limitation of other topics. Either we're free to post,
> > read, respond or ignore topics or we're not.
>Bryan, you just don't seem to get it! This is not a democracy. Your
>assumption above is not at all correct. It does not, and has not
>limited topics in any way at all. You are free to post on topics that
>are within Brian's stated and now, finally, mildly enforced
>parameters. This is not a news group and the policy of a mailing
>list is one man's alone, the owner's.
>I took a slightly different tack on the LEG. There, such posts are
>allowed any day, but I request that they be restricted to one per
>week by the poster (honor system, but watched), and kept to
>reasonable length.
>A person desirous of posting FS and WTB, has the LUG, LEG,
>various news groups, and all the commercial avenues to utilize.
>Brian's concern that FS and WTB posts could bog down the
>discussion aspects (clearly the raison d'ĂȘtre of the list) certainly
>has merit in the eyes of the only one that counts, Brian!
>Leica Enthusiasts Mailing List

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