Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/10/25
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Dick, have you a antivirus?. I think this is the matter. (excuseme my poor english...) Bona nit. Jose. - ---------------------- Jose Usoz Dpto. de FotografĂa El Diario Vasco San Sebastian -Spain - ---------------------- - -----Mensaje original----- De: []En nombre de Richard W. Hemingway Enviado el: lunes 25 de octubre de 1999 21:08 Para: Asunto: [Leica] Back again ( help with EudoraPro - off topic) Luggers, Users of EudoraPro. I have been getting the following headers on messages and can't find out what it means or what caused it: X - NAV - TimeoutProtection 0:X X - NAV - TimeoutProtection 1:X etc. down to 6:X on short e-mails and 20:X on jpegs etc. ??? Good to be back again. Dick Hemingway Plano, TX