Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/10/04

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: [OT] Confession - of Russian attitude towards small countries
From: "Raimo Korhonen" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 20:12:29 +0100

Yes we are sensitive - we have to be. As to the astuteness of politicians -
I would not call somebody who had tens of millions of his own people
murdered "astute". Without him Russia would be a wealthy nation - it did
have the human resources for it. Maybe the weeding out of the most
intelligent Russians for generations has something to do with the fact that
I am engaged in this kind of conversation with you. If you are a
representative sample of Russians it looks like after some yeras you惻l go
back to living in trees. Let愀
hear you bark then.
All the best!
Photos at

- ----------
> From: Bernard <>
> Raimo Korhonen wrote:
> > I'm a bit surprised that you still have that attitude in Russia. In
> > the Soviet Union, yes and in tsarist Russia of course - but still
> > today?
> Gee... small nations are so touchy. All I meant with "our" is to
> differentiate the Georgia in the Caucasus from the one in the USA. Only
> a representative of a very small nation would jump to conclusions. I
> meant no harm to the Georgians; they make great wines and one the most
> astute political leaders of our outgoing century was Georgian.
> It has come to my attention that small dogs bark much more than large
> ones, by the way.
> Bernard.