Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/08/24

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Subject: RE: [Leica] Germany made or Canada made ?
From: Leopold Green <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 11:22:08 +0100


To be completely accurate the 90 ASPH was going to be made in Canada but the
manufacturing hit a snag and had to be shifted back to Germany hence the
long delay in the arrival of the lens [and, no doubt, the extreme rarity of
the early Canadian versions which have seeped out]. That is slightly
different to the 75 or the Noctilux which were made 'long term' in Canada,
indeed, I thought the Noctilux still was. I bought one this year, in the
381xxxx range and that was stamped 'Made in Canada'. 

Personally I have AT LEAST as much faith in the Canada plant as Solms!


		-----Original Message-----
		From:	Robert G. Stevens []
		Sent:	24 August 1999 00:20
		Subject:	Re: [Leica] Germany made or Canada made ?


		All of Leicas' most prized lenses were Canadian made until
recently.  This
		includes for example the 180 3.4 APO for the R, the M lenses
such as the
		Noctilux, 75mm summilux, 90mm APO Summicron, just to name a
few.  The other
		 lenses like the 35mm Summicron was also made in Canada.  In
fact, a lot of
		these were designed in Canada.


		At 08:01 PM 8/23/99 -0300, you wrote:
		>That is the question...
		>I悲 like you, the knowledgeable minded Leica boys...and
girls, of
		>course, to tell me the story about the german made and
canadian made
		>lenses and cameras.
		>I扉e heard, sometime ago, people saying that formula of
lenses and
		>materials were the same, but...I悲 also heard the contrary
from others
		>as knowlegeable people as the one I扉e just mentioned...
		>The point is that a salesperson in Buenos Aires says that
		>lenses and cameras are as good as german ones. I do doubt
on this point.
		>Sincerely don愒 know actually why but I do doubt about this
		>For example, is a canadian 35/2 Summicron lens as good as a
the same
		>lens mad in Germany ?
		>Why did Leitz assembled the same cameras at Germany and
also Canada ?
		>Is it true that assembling in Canada was cheaper than in
Germany ? Is
		>this reason the one and only reason to do this ? Did the
Second World
		>War have anything to do with the point?
		>What are the cameras made in both places ?  And lenses ?
		>Thank you