Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/06/08

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Subject: [Leica] R: Help Wanted!
From: "linda" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 12:07:35 +0200

Hello Luggers,
I have found a cosmetically magnificent 7x50 beh(WWII Leitz) Porro II
binoculars which unluckyly has prisms very foggy and sligthly uncollimated.
Is there any Lugger who can suggest who can clean and collimate these
I would prefer to find an European repairman.
Thank You.
Giancarlo Bozzano
- -----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Gary Elshaw <>
A: <>
Data: martedى 8 giugno 1999 11.39
Oggetto: RE: [Leica] Canon really has AF figured out...BLASHPEMY? Or it is?

>Sorry, but I couldn't resist responding. I'm a 28 year old Leica user who
>started out by purchasing an a screwmount elmar 90. It was all i could
>afford until my camera store took pity on me and allowed me to lay-by my
>Leica III. I couldn't afford my M at that point, and, quite frankly, if i
>tried to repeat the purchase of my M3 i couldn't do it again right now.
>Peter raised an interesting point about Leica marketing missing the
>Generation X market. Well I can honestly say I'm realistic about very
>little, and yet I think that Leica has probably correctly pin-pointed their
>market. Very few twenty-somethings can afford to buy Leica. That is an
>almost unequivocal statement. The exceptions, like my amateur self,
>probably started using cameras like my venerable old Dynax and discovered
>something at the camera store that arrived second-hand and were captured by
>the aesthetics and the history. That is, they were captured enough so that
>they saved or gradually paid-off their Leica. When my best friend asked me
>for camera advice i found out very quickly that he didn't really want it.
>He couldn't overcome the belief that he had to buy something new-instantly,
>with some form of international warranty, and it had to be an SLR with
>Nikon or Canon stamped upon it. I think he is also representative of those
>who appreciate the disposability of things. My M3 just looked too old and
>Best wishes to you all,
>Peter K wrote:
>" I am sure we will find some twenty somethings who use Leica Ms as well,
>but it was just a
>general statement.  Most twenty somethings (and some thirty somethings and
>older) getting into photography will probably look elsewhere was my point.
>This large market of Generation X plus is being missed by Leica."
>"be a realist, demand the impossible"
>-Censier Campus Graffiti May 1968
>Gary Elshaw B.A. (Hons), Dip Arts
>Victoria University
>New Zealand