Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/05/24

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Subject: Re: [Leica] another new kid
From: Nathan Wajsman <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 06:43:25 +0200


Welcome to the list. I am in the process of reading the latest edition of the
Anchell & Troop book, and they do mention D3200. The book is very good but it
is not gospel and some of the authors' opinions (like their dislike of the
Delta and T-Max films) are certainly not universally shared. I read their
statement about Jobo a few weeks after buying my first Jobo processor, and so
far I am very happy with the negatives produced in it. For me, any small
disadvantage from continuous agitation is outweighed by the convenience and
most importantly consistency provided by the Jobo.

I love D3200, finding that it gives me nice printable (scannable) negatives
that I was unable to obtain with TMZ. I rate it at 1200 and develop in XTOL
stock for 7 to 71/2 minutes at 20蚓/68蚌. Bob Bedwell (also here on the LUG)
prefers a shorter development time of 61/2 minutes.


NASEN Dave Purchase wrote:

> Folks,
> Long to Leica, new to the list, and recently returned to photography after
> several years, I have a few questions if you have the time.
> 1.  My standard film has been tri x at EI 250 in HC 110 dil b, I now need a
> b&w at EI 800-1000.  I suspect that Delta 3200 would be a good first choice
> but my copy of Anchell and Troop's Cookbook does not list it.  Any
> film/developer/time suggestions?
> 2. Why are there such conflicting positions about Jobo or other machine
> processing for 35mm film, with some saying they use them consistently and
> others (Anchell and Troop included) saying they will not give good results
> when compared to hand development because of constant agitation?
> 3. Through a friend of a friend I have the opportunity to acquire the
> Rokkor 28mm f 2.8 lens made for the CLE that I would use on a M3 and M6.
> Is there an address that I can go to find out about the performance of this
> lens or experience you could share?  I would not be able to test before
> buying.
> Thanks for your time.
> Dave Purchase
> Tacoma  WA

- --
Nathan Wajsman
Overijse, Belgium

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