Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/04/04
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Can't comment on America, but in Australia: 1. There is no property in a 'spectacle'. This was established in a case where some enterprising small business operators built a tower next to a racecourse, so they could watch the races and broadcast a radio commentary on them. The High Court upheld their right to do so. The race operators had no 'property' in the spectacle of the race going on. 2. You can defame somebody by 'publishing' a photograph. 'Publishing' means showing it to any person other than yourself. The classic example was a photograph of an Australian rugby player which a news journalist took in the change rooms which, if you looked hard enough in the shadow details, exposed the player's nether regions. A jury awarded him $300,000 - subsequently reduced on appeal. (There was a famous line of cross examination in the case, where the player's QC tried to get the editor to identify what precisely was in that shadow detail. After some evasion on the editor's part, the QC asked 'Well what is it? A duck?') (This varies from state to state - in some states, truth is an absolute defence to defamation) You can also defame somebody by inaccurately or imprecisely captioning a photograph (e.g 'Mr Smith pictured with his girlfriend' when in fact it is his wife) 3. In certain circumstances, you may breach someone else's copyright in a photograph. An obvious example is photographing some one else's artwork. There are some exemptions in copyright legislation concerning this. A more subtle example might be copying someone else's composition - before anyone shouts me down on this, I have advised in a case where an American photographer threatened proceedings over this. 4. In some circumstances, admission to private property conditional on you doing or not doing certain things (e.g not taking photographs or assigning copyright in photographs you do take) 5. Generally, in Australia there is no generalised right to privacy - at least, an enforceable right anyway. This is in the process of changing though - particularly in New South Wales. In particular circumstances, though, limited rights to privacy do exist. 6. On occasions, publication of an image of a person may falsely suggest they are associated with, or are endorsing a product. This can amount to unlawful misleading and deceptive conduct or 'passing off', enabling them to sue the publisher. e.g a photograph of a famous athlete used in an ad for chocolate. 7. In some circumstances, there may be legislative restrictions on photography (e.g in court rooms) I should add the caveat that this is based on my law student days, so could firstly be a bit inaccurate and secondly a bit out of date... Rely on it at your peril... Cheers Gareth - -----Original Message----- From: Walter S Delesandri <> To: <> Date: Monday, April 05, 1999 9:40 Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: Getting Close and Discreet I never remember a time when people on the street WEREN"t alarmed and annoyed by street photographers....but now they have a blood-sucker (attorney, for non-Texans) or a 'bleeding heart' (Kalifornika or Boulder, possibly?) on every corner waiting to defend their "rights"..... A million years ago, in Journalism school, we learned that one could photograph anyone not on private property....if the photos were not used "commercially" (editorial, reportage, and some 'art' were OK)...I'm sure that this has changed with the loss of most of our personal freedoms, I just don't care to keep up (or shoot, for that matter). Bear in mind that some locations, that which the "offended" persons couldn't avoid, such as doctors offices, pharmacies, basic needs sources, were somewhat 'protected' as the people HAD to go to these places....but the street, and most 'public' areas, were fair game.... I'm less scared by the 'dangerous' people on the street than I am by our government and it's imps, these days....I can put up a pretty good fight, and still run like hell if need be, but that ain't what I'm worried about these days.... I'm sure that our 'legal-eagles' (25% of the list?) will "straighten me out" and shed more light on the subject, as always.... Walt On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, D Khong wrote: > snip > > > And in former > >times Robert Capa already said: If the picture isn´t good, you wasn´t > >close enough. > > > I wonder if that statement refers to photojournalism i.e. pictures of > people and events. Robert Capa worked in an era when it was probably not > so objectionable to stick a lens up peoples' faces and snap their pictures. > We are now living at an age when privacy, individual rights, copyrights, > and other what-have-you rights threatens a red nose for those who profess > freedom of expression, and other similar blah blahs. > > How many of us feel that it is now getting more difficult to even take > street photographs without arousing suspicion, fear, anger, or even threat > of bodily harm from the subjects? What are your ways of overcoming these > barriers? > > Dan K. >